Meeting Dates: UKIEUS ASM 29th November. PSGB&I ASM 30th November - 1st of December 2023. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sheffield.
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Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the PSGBI Committee and Local Team we are delighted to make an early announcement and invite you to the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland in Sheffield. This unique meeting aims to cover the daily challenges, up-to-date advances and new research to improve care for patients with pancreatic disease.
Some of the leading UK and international specialists in Pancreatology who will all bring their invaluable insights will deliver presentations and debates.
With this in mind, the meeting is relevant to the whole multidisciplinary team that is vital to pancreatology practice including Scientists, Nurses, Dieticians, GI Medical trainees, surgical trainees, GI Consultants and Charities. We hope to encourage open discussion about the best possible ways of working together in this advancing and exciting specialty.
As usual the meeting will have parallel meetings of the Specialist HBP Nursing Group and the Nutrition interest groups, and work has started on a trainee afternoon of which agendas will soon follow.
CPD Accreditation applied for.
We really want to stress that this meeting is for everyone: trainees; consultants; associate specialists; nurses and dietitians that have an interest in pancreatology
So please book in your study leave, and share this brochure with anyone in your department who you think may be interested.
Best wishes,
Professor Andrew Hopper
PSGB&I President. On behalf of the local and National PSGB&I Team
Booking for both UKIEUS and PSGB&I meetings Are NOW OPEN. There are significant savings to be had if you are a member or become a member and book before the 2nd of October 2023 see the booking page for details below.
Please note: For the UKIEUS meeting only, please select this from the drop down menu within the booking form. The membership number on the first page is optional and can be left empty.
To book on Surgical Trainees meeting follow this link Surgical Trainees meeting
Please note, if you also wish to attend the Surgical training day and the UKIEUS or PSGB&I meeting you will need to do this seperate from this trainee session booking
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