PSGBI Membership

Applying for Membership

Applications for membership and payment of membership fees may be undertaken via the online registration facility below.

The Pancreas Society is a multidisciplinary group and welcomes individuals with a pancreatic interest from all disciplines

The following types of Membership to the Pancreas Society of Great Britain and Ireland are available:

To join the PSGBI click Here

Full Membership

Full membership is open, by application to the executive committee to all clinicians and scientists in the UK who have a special interest in Pancreatology.  All full members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The yearly membership fee is £100. 

Membership benefits include;

  • Access to the members area .
  • PSGBI meeting registration preferential rates.
  • Opportunity for abstract submission and presentation at annual meetings
  • Eligilability to apply for a number of research grants and travel bursaries the PSGBI has to offer.
  • Pancreatology Journal Inclusion 

Trainee Membership

Trainee membership is open, by application to the executive committee to any trainee  with an interest in Pancreatology  who wishes to take an interest in the group's activities. All trainee  members  have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. The yearly membership fee is £75 to help cover administrative expenses. Members will also have access to the journal Pancreatology online.

Specialist Nurses and Dieticians

We offer a membership to Specialist Nurses and Dieticians for an annual fee of £5.00. This gives you all of the benefits of full membership at a greatly reduced cost.

Members are eligible for reduced registration fees at the PSGBI Annual Meeting. In the case of Nurses and Dieticians this reduced fee is include in the cost of registration.

Institutional Associate Membership

Institutional Associate membership if open by application to the executive committee to any hospital that has Allied Health Professionals( dieticians, CNS’s) with an interest in Pancreatology. A single payment would provide access rights to the AHPs working in a single institution Associate members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting but have full access to all members' only sections of the PSGBI website. The yearly membership fee is £100.

Retired Honorary Membership

For clinicians, scientists and AHPs who have retired they can maintain their PSGBI membership for the nominal sum of £10.  This allows full access to the website and AGMs. 

To join the PSGBI click Here