The 24th Annual Meeting of the: UK and Ireland Endoscopic Ultrasound Society.

Wednesday, 29th November 2023, Crown Plaza Hotel, Sheffield

We are delighted to invite you to the 24th Annual Meeting of the UK and Ireland Endoscopic Ultrasound Society in Sheffield. We aim to allow all those involved in EUS or aspiring to practice in big or small centres to meet and share experiences and education to improve our practice across the UK and Ireland.

This one-day meeting aims to cover both the daily challenges and up-to-date advances to improve care for patients undergoing endoscopic ultrasound. We have carefully chosen a practical “What do I do with” or

“How I do it” approach with presentations and interactive diagnostic live demonstrations delivered by some of the leading UK and Ireland specialists in EUS who will all bring their invaluable insights. With this in mind, the meeting is relevant to the whole EUS community and we hope to encourage open discussion about the best possible ways of working together in this advancing and exciting specialty.

We really want to stress that this meeting is for everyone involved in practicing, training or considering EUS.

So please book in your study leave and share the Agenda below with anyone in your department who you think may be interested.

Best wishes,

Prof Andrew Hopper
On behalf of the local and UKIEUS Team


National Faculty    

Dr Katherine Hickman. Consultant Radiologist

Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge



Dr Gavin Johnson Consultant Gastroenterologist,

University College London

Dr Natalie Phillips Consultant Gastroenterologist

Imperial College London


Dr Bharat Paranandi

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds

Dr Tareq El-Menabawey Consultant Gastroenterologist, University College London



Local Faculty    

Dr Jennifer Campbell

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Dr Hey-Long Ching

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Dr Muhammad Arslan Saleem

Clinical Fellow in Gastroenterology


Professor Andrew Hopper

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Dr Venkat Mahesh Consultant Gastroenterologist, University College London   Dr Manu Nayer
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle
Dr Sarah Jowett Consultant Gastroenterologist Bradford Royal Infirmary   Dr Brinder Mahon Consultant Radiologist Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Dr John Leeds Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle   Dr Matthew Huggett
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds
Dr Noor Bekkali Consultant Gastroenterologist Oxford   Dr Wafaa Ahmed Consultant Gastroenterologist
Hammersmith Hospital London




The 24th Annual Meeting of the UK and Ireland Endoscopic Ultrasound Society Agenda

08:30 - 09:00 Registration
  Session 1
09:00 Welcome: Dr Manu Nayar UKIEUS President
09.05 - 09.30 Interactive Live EUS Case 1
09.30 - 09.45 How I do it: Getting the best samples for my KPIs - Experience versus evidence 
09.45 - 10.00 How I do it: Contrast and Elastography - Useful or over complicate?
Dr Katherine Hickman
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee
  Session 2
11:00-11:20 Interactive Live EUS Case 3
11.20 - 11:40 How I do it: Pancreatic Pseudocyst and Necrosis treatment
Dr Matthew Huggett
11:40-12.15 Interactive Live EUS Case 4
12:15- 12:30 How I do it: EUS for Pancreatic cysts - which need EUS or sampling
Dr Natalie Phillips
12:30-13:30 Lunch
  Afternoon  Session 3
13:30- 13:55 Interactive Live EUS Case 5
13.55- 14:10 How I do it: EUS assisted Biliary Drainage
Dr Gavin Johnson
14.10 - 14.35 Interactive Live EUS Case 6
14:35- 14:50 How I do it: EDGE procedures
Dr Bharat Paranandi
14:50-15:10 Coffee
  Session 4
15:10- 15:30 EUS Training Guidelines: Do we have it right for the future?
Dr Tareq El-Menabawey
15:30- 15:50 Interactive Live EUS Case 7
15.50- 16:10 Submucosal Lesions in a world of Linear EUS
Dr Venkat Mahesh
16:10- 16:25 How I do it: EUS Guided Portal Venous Pressure Monitoring
Dr Brinder Mahon
16:25-16:40 Neuroendocrine tumours: notes for the Endosonographer
16:40-17:00 Summary and Close of Meeting Prof Andrew Hopper
  Close of Meeting